We're called to walk by faith, not by sight. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen; it is impossible to please God without it.
If you already know that you're called to study in university, then you need not worry, year after year, whether it is the correct decision or not. If you already know that you're destined for excellence, then why doubt?
The purpose of a testimony is to bear witness to the one being testified. In the case of testifying of God, it is to declare His works and character. He has specifically fulfilled the end-of-secondary-school-exam-result that He promised to me. And He repeated it again in the 2nd and 3rd semester of my medical course. For one thing, I found that God fulfills His word. He also never changes. Therefore, He will always fulfill His word.
But maybe not in our timing, and not the way that we understand it. Why didn't R get healed when I prayed for him? I don't know. What I do know is, I'm meant to walk by faith, bringing heaven's kingdom to earth, declaring that just as there is no sickness in heaven, so there shall be no sickness here on earth. So what if He hasn't fulfilled His promise of letting me be in charge of 5-digit money figures? He's still my provider. There is no lack and no poverty in heaven, so there shall not be any on earth either.
On another note, once a situation turns around because of a miracle, progress shouldn't stop. I mean, there is no such thing as best testimony ever. It doesn't make sense, because God is a God of progress, of increase. The best is yet to come! Unless you don't believe it. That's why the condition of our faith is so central to what happens in our real world. If you keep looking unto Him, you'll see that His thoughts and ways are much higher than ours, and we better elevate to His level. Because Holy Spirit is in us, we are granted grace, as long as we have faith. That, is God's empowerment that gives us the ability to live beyond our natural ability.
Indeed, I might risk living in denial by living this way, but I wouldn't risk missing out on God's promises.
Picture credit: ZivCG