Wednesday, 27 May 2009

The Pride of Life

A seriously big life lesson
Sounds like me. Illidan the demon hunter. The solo warrior. The university student who lives a normal life in the eyes of society but works ultra diligently in his secret laboratory. The mathematician who works on equations as a recluse. A hermit. Who dreams of a recognition as grand as the Nobel Prize, because that would set the world’s eyes on him. And his name would be remembered in generations to come. In history books. He would be immortal.
It's like saying in my heart: "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God...I will be like the Most High." (Isaiah 14:13-14)
It's the sin of pride.
I've been too proud, too skeptical at other people. At people whom You want to position as spiritual leaders over my life right now. God, teach me to be humble.
Picture credits:

Saturday, 23 May 2009

How to learn anatomy?

This semester is Cardio-Respiratory & Locomotor Systems for me

Locomotor means both muscles and bones. I think humans have around 600 muscles and 200 bones. The first step to get to know them better is learning their names (or giving them). That's a lot of work!

Happy: when you know what the question wants, and you give the right answer.

Again: still getting them right.

Not so happy: When you get almost everything wrong.

Active learning is fun because of anticipation on your part. You make an active guess. If you get it right, you proceed. If not, you fix it up (I think it's retained better in our heads too), and then still proceed.

Thanks to Dr Jenny Hayes (and Dr Chris Briggs) for the lectures, pracs and other lessons.

MCQ3 (once again, 15 questions in 15 minutes), here I go!

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Inside My Head

A new hobby.

Just got the 40 MB file yesterday. Got the software to read it, and started playing around with what it can do.

Azimuth 90°. Elevation 10°.

Azimuth 90°. Elevation 45°.

Aren't MRI's great?

More to come.

Thanks to HFI (and RCH) for the digital file. Thanks to MRIcroN for the editing software.

Saturday, 9 May 2009


One of the things I have been wanting to do is to contact potential AMS supervisors about their (my) project(s). Finally did it yesterday morning, in between lecture and tutorial time.

The project titles I've highlighted as interesting:
  1. Roles for the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway in neuronal apoptosis
  2. What factors control the movement of cortical interneurons?
  3. Abnormal secretion of α-synuclein in Parkinson's disease and SOD-1 (superoxide dismutase 1) in motor neuron disease
  4. Role of IRAP (insulin-regulated aminopeptidase) in the Central Nervous System
A far cry from my EE two and a half years ago: "A Statistical Investigation on the Effect of Background Music on Short-term Memory Capacity of College Students". But definitely on the same empirical grounds of experimenting, getting results and analysing them.

And my EE is still on my hard drive. This laptop's been through a lot.