A private moment reflection...
"Those of you who hold A's in your hands, who have achieved success, let it go. Release it. Let others grab the same blessings. The only way to make yourself indispensable is to make yourself dispensable.
Let it all go. God's Word tells us: it is more blessed to give than to receive. God says, if you love me, you'll do what I command. Give it all. The poor woman gave two pieces of coins: all she's got. Jesus points out that she has given the most. Now what about you?
Learn to give, learn to give your all, give it out of love, for God is love. The moment we're giving we're proclaiming God's awesome name. We're being witnesses of God. The light and salt for the world, as Jesus commanded. We'll bless lives and we'll bring the Kingdom of God to every person's heart.
So don't be afraid of giving it all."
16th December 2007
Picture credit: http://www.letmypeoplego.org/
"Those of you who hold A's in your hands, who have achieved success, let it go. Release it. Let others grab the same blessings. The only way to make yourself indispensable is to make yourself dispensable.
Let it all go. God's Word tells us: it is more blessed to give than to receive. God says, if you love me, you'll do what I command. Give it all. The poor woman gave two pieces of coins: all she's got. Jesus points out that she has given the most. Now what about you?
Learn to give, learn to give your all, give it out of love, for God is love. The moment we're giving we're proclaiming God's awesome name. We're being witnesses of God. The light and salt for the world, as Jesus commanded. We'll bless lives and we'll bring the Kingdom of God to every person's heart.
So don't be afraid of giving it all."
16th December 2007
Picture credit: http://www.letmypeoplego.org/
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