Monday, 7 December 2009

Of cats and laureates

A top cat?
Controlling the migration of such people [talented scientists] is a bit like herding cats, a rather useless exercise. It does nonetheless help to offer quality cat food (funding) and plenty of it if you want to attract the attention of a top cat.
-Peter Doherty, The Beginner's Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize
I found this to be really amusing! "Attention of a top cat". LoL. This became a self-motivating question for me while I went jogging today: Are you a top cat? If you fall, do you rise again? Do you keep pushing to your limits? If you have to suffer in order to fulfill your destiny, would you? How willing are you? And once people do recognise you as a top cat, how would you redefine the top cat standard?

Picture credit:

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