Monday, 21 June 2010

15 Sets and 3 Reps (6)

1st midsem test.

What's the keyword for this semester?
Repetition. If you look my post on the pre-clinical H1 hypothesis written last year, that was my study plan. Meaning, before the mid-sem test, I would have studied the lecture notes 3 times (actual lecture, revision lectopia, and pre-test lectopia). The fourth time would be around swot vac time, just before the finals.

But perhaps I was too ambitious with this plan - I could finish only 1 or 2 pre-test lectopias (3rd dose) while in Brisbane (and during the flight). At least revision lectopia were done (the 2nd dose).

Outside Cyber City on a Saturday midnight

I sure was there (Wellington Point)

Gunfight with my 12-year old cousin

Indan's grand-boys (Missing: Rokian)

15 sets = 15 lectures to cover (5 per week x 3 weeks). There were also 15 questions on the exam. And for the first time, I scored 100% on a test in med school. God always helps you, regardless of whether you're in Melbourne, Brisbane, or anywhere in the world.

Sitting for an exam the first thing on a Monday morning, right after a whirlwind trip to a cousin's wedding in Brisbane (flew out on Saturday morning, flew in the next evening) - that's one heck of a dramatic trip.

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