Saturday, 20 June 2009

Going Uphill (2)

Part II. 2nd midsem, 2nd assignment.
The energy. The fast. The sacrifice.
It was a fast-paced period in my life. I tried to keep up the momentum I've gained. We had PlanetUni Market Day, Run for the Kids, and Planetshakers 2009 Conference "One". Thankfully Daylight Savings Time gave us 1 extra hour to sleep.

I didn't want to slack. I fasted from midday food (lunch, tea & snacks) for fourteen days, seeking The Lord. If I have a life message from this semester, it would be: basic, stripped down, streamlined life. My biggest life-change is that I've left my old habit of a bad addiction. I've never thought it could be done, though for ages I've always wished that it could. You know what's even more awesome? It was prophesied to me last year during DNA encounter, and again during one of the church services just before conference.

A life truly focused on The Maker's blueprint, I discovered, requires another sacrifice: the girl. I liked her since knowing her when I was 12, and secretly kept this passion for her until recently. And the The Creator's voice was asking me: Who's #1 in your life? And I decided that I must give her up.

In uni, the test and assignment came soon enough. Test was on the heart; and I still think I was much better prepared for the first one than this. Assignment was on (medical) statistics; glad to make use of MathType again!

Picture credit: Thomas Langenberg

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