Friday, 26 June 2009

Final 1 Hour (8)

Part VIII. CRL Practical, 1 hour, 50-MCQ, 15%.
Never Stop.

We learn from out mistakes. Agree? Well, after my last exam paper, here are three things I just learned:
1. When talking about lymph nodes, Bronchopulmonary = Hilar
2. The neutrophil's job
3. Coagulative necrosis - not fibrosis!

Also, as always, the prac exam has a few questions where the wording makes it ambiguous (at least to me). One thing I remember:
"The muscle associated with the structure pointed by the white arrow..."
It's as if the "muscle" and the "structure" are completely different, or somewhat different, or somehow related. I couldn't tell (so that's my problem). In the end I decided that the structure was part of the muscle, and made my answer choice.

I ended with about 18 spare minutes. Whew. What I feared the most were those long, PBL-style questions where you're told the patient's symptoms, history, body temperature, heart rate, etc., and give a diagnostic answer. And this is an MCQ test! Anyway, we didn't get any of that in the Prac paper, so it's a relief.

Last thoughts, despite the extra revision time that we had before this paper, I still don't feel the "readiness" feeling that I used to have before this. Could be a bad sign that I'm not preparing myself well enough. Or, could mean how much more I'm denying self-reliance, taking instead the understanding-that-is-higher-than-ours. And that's what I wish.

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