Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Recollection v2 (19)

Part I. Olfactory nerve

Perfect Launch

As I did last semester, I'll do a series of writings on this semester (4th out of total 12), as I wait for result day.

It begun on a high note. Last semester's astronomical result fuelled me to keep going with the momentum: pre-reading, PBL research, lectopia a week after, etc. Outside of the academic world, I was getting more involved in various stuff. There was RMIT orientation going on, and publicity for PlanetUni was kicking off. I remember seeing Wycliffe, Eunice and other OCF Melb City people. Also the magicians at the booth/table next to us. I was impressed; they're pretty good with cards.

That weekend was Beautiful Woman 2009 - goes without saying that God's presence was amazing. For me, it brings more meaning to the phrase: Lebih baik satu hari di pelataran-Mu, daripada seribu hari di tempat lain. I had Richard check my neuroanatomy notes as I recalled the different foramina in the skull and the cranial nerves going through them. Intense, eh?

Guest Services Team 3 was also becoming a family for me. That Sunday, at HiSense Arena, it was interesting to help out Juanita with the free bus rides. She said:
  • Boots, handbag -- church girls. It's a giveaway.
  • Don't feel embarrassed if they turn you down, you won't see them again; Melbourne's too big.
No doubt it was also a time of emotional stress for me. It's funny how easily you feel deeply attracted someone. Many of my June and August posts are about relationships.

Yet storms are there for you to grow stronger. The tests in life are meant to be passed. Don't give up just because you don't get it the first time around.

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